About the Course
MANTHAN provides facility to its qualified students to work at its clinic with LD children.
This course provides special education suitable for individuals (parents, teachers, social workers), who aspire to help dyslexics and similarly affected persons. The training involves multi-structured and multi-sensory remedial strategies, teaching techniques and improvisation needed for individual’s learning capacity and needs, through caring attitudes and positive motivation.
Course Contents: Theory Lectures.- Introduction to the types of learning disabilities
- Informal assessment procedures
- Strategies to teach reading, writing & mathematics
- Behavior management of LD children.
- Developing innovative methods of teaching
MANTHAN provides facility to its qualified students to work at its clinic with LD children.
- Students are eligible to work as special educators privately or with any organizations.
- Enterprising students are offered guidance and encouragement to set up their own clinics.
- Parents may use the training and skills to help their children.
- Minimum 40% marks are essential to pass the theory examination.
- 85% attendance is mandatory to be eligible to appear for theory test.
- Diploma certificates will be awarded only upon completion of the practical work in the clinic by students. Parents may submit report of work carried out with their own children.
- Diplomas will be awarded only at the appointed time during the final convocation or meeting dully arranged for the purpose.
1 academic year.
11.30 to 1p.m. OR 3.30 to 5.00p.m. (Twice - a - Week)
10.30 to 1.00 p.m. (Saturdays)
Extra timings will be fixed individually while working with clients at our clinic